Crown Point

Homeowners Insurance

Mortgages usually include a home insurance requirement because lenders want assurance that the property will be able to recover if there’s any kind of catastrophe. Your homeowner's insurance needs will vary depending on the terms of your mortgage and the value of your home.
At Crowel Companies, we work with a lot of insurance providers and compare all their rates and policies so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Homeowners insurance is especially important for brand-new or luxury homes, and Crown Point, IN, has plenty of this new real estate. Crowel Companies is a great choice for your home insurance needs.

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance requirements are often the same as home insurance: auto lenders require insurance to make sure that your vehicle remains a good investment. We work with over 30 auto insurance companies to find the best policy for your vehicle.
To learn more about our auto and home insurance options, call our Merrillville office at (219) 786-4707 or send us a message.

Home Insurance


Home and auto repairs and maintenance can be expensive, and the average person doesn’t have that kind of cash on hand. With the help of a trustworthy insurance company like Crowel Companies, you don’t need to worry about how you’ll pay for necessary repairs.

We offer homeowners insurance and auto insurance to customers in Crown Point, IN. With an office in nearby Merrillville, we’re just a phone call or a short drive away.